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AMBReports is a market leading intelligence and reporting platform, specifically developed to give businesses like yours all of the data they need to make informed decisions about their marketing strategies.
Asian accountant working and analyzing financial reports project accounting
We've harnessed AI to produce a first-class online analytic reporting platform that gives our clients the competitive edge to make informed decisions.

AMBReports connects to over 40 external applications, which means that you can view your analytics in real time and understand your clients needs. It also comes with unique, powerful SEO and site audit plugins which gives you unparalleled insight into your website speed levels and performance while giving you information on where you can improve to boost your rankings.

unrivalled insights
Learn who is visiting your website in real time. Wherever you are in the world.

AMBReports comes with fully compliant tracking pixels to let you know which businesses are visiting your site and the content they’re consuming. This all important insight allows you to optimise your content plan with intelligence, refine site structures, and gives you the visibility to track customer journeys from start to finish – all in one place.

Instant connectivity to Google, Meta, Twitter, Bing, and TikTok, along with all major email distribution and social media platforms, means that you can streamline your social media production while benefitting from real-time reporting across all platforms – saving you time and money.

Skilled financial expert checking digital marketing report during distance job at sunset
We've used AMBReports and the technology is mind blowing. It gives us the intelligence we need to refine our product range, and gives us the information we need to refine our marketing plans and goals so we can grow our business.


Signing up for AMBReports couldn’t be easier – simply email us at and we’ll take care of the rest. We can offer individual licences, or cater for larger businesses and clients. We also offer online or in person training sessions on how to use the platform, and remain on hand to answer any queries or questions you may have.

So what are you waiting for?

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